"3:00 am"
Oil on Mirror with plexi wrapped in blue plastic and wood; the two pieces measure 72 by 36 inches (entire clock on wall measure 12 by 18 feet.)
"Infinitely Complex"
Oil on mirror, broken with plexiglass wrapped in blue plastic film; 6 by 3 feet
"Well heeled Drunk" (with nod to Manet's Absinthe Drinker);
Oil on Mirror with plexi and blue plastic; 6 by 3 feet
"Histrionic Personality Disorder" (with nod to Velazquez's Aesop);
Oil on mirror with plexiglass and blue plastic film; 6 by 3 feet
"TransLovely: Death by a Thousand Cuts";
0il on Mirror, broken with plexi and blue plastic; 36 by 24 inches
"Bipolar Disorder";
oil on mirror, broken with plexi and blue plastic; 28 by 22 inches in antique frame
oil on mirror, broken with plexi and blue plastic; 30 by 24 inches in antique frame
"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde";
Oil on 3-way antique mirror, broken, with plexi, blue plastic and reflections
"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)";
Oil on mirror, broken with plexi and blue plastic; 28 by 22 inches in antique frame
"Anxiety Neurosis with Recurrent Panic Attacks";
oil on mirror, broken; 38 by 24 inches in antique frame
"Trying to put the Pieces
Photo of Oil on Mirror, Broken, with Artist's Reflection